The Shepherd of Souls Area Faith Community has several events coming up in September. The St. Philip’s Catholic Church Bazaar in Litchfield will be on September 8th from 9-to-1, with mass at the church at 8 a.m.
Monica Schreiber says the Bazaar will include a car show, cash raffle, kid’s games, bingo, country store, food stands and more. She says Glen Everhart will be performing.
Schreiber says the St. Philip’s Bazaar is being held a little earlier this year so that people can also attend the Fall Festival at the Church of St. Anthony in Watkins that day if they wish to do so. Brenda Grates says the St. Philip’s Bazaar will also include a bean bag tournament at 10:30 a.m.
Grates says there are tickets at the church office for the cash raffle and church members are also selling them. She says the top prize is $2,000 and the drawing will be held at 12:45. You need not be present to win.
Other events in September include the Church of St. Anthony Fall Festival in Watkins on September 8th from 10-to-5; the St. John’s Catholic Church Fall Festival on September 15th from 11-to-3 at the Education Center between Dassel and Cokato; and the Grilled Smoked Pork Chop Dinner at the Church of Our Lady in Manannah on September 22nd from 4-to-7 p.m.
The Litchfield Area Community Foundation is in the midst of another grant cycle and the deadline for non-profit organizations to apply for the latest round of grants is fast-approaching. The deadline is September 1st.
Missy Brock says the Foundation has two grant cycles each year and any 501c3 groups that have questions may contact any Foundation board member or email She says they have certain stipulations for organizations to qualify for the grants that they award, and the grant amounts usually range between $500 and $2,000. She says if anyone is willing to donate to the Foundation, they may go to for more details.
Tom Smith says when they are looking through the applications, they look at how each organization’s proposed project will affect the community. He says some past projects that received grants include a lead paint removal project at the Little Red Schoolhouse, the ProWorks thrift store project, the Rotary Club’s Splash Pad campaign, and a photo restoration project at the Meeker County Museum. He says if anyone has questions about the Litchfield Area Community Foundation, they may call the Chamber office at 693-8184.
The 65th annual Red Rooster Days celebration is coming up this weekend in Dassel. Lots of fun activities are planned from Friday afternoon through Labor Day.
Red Rooster Days Committee Chairman Ron Hungerford says there’s a farmers market on Friday from 2:30-to-5:30 in downtown Dassel. He says Saturday’s activities will include an 18-mile bike ride starting from Breed’s Park at 9 a.m., a 7-mile bike ride at 9:30, and the grand day parade at 2 o’clock.
Hungerford says there will be a petting zoo at Breed’s Park Saturday from 1:30-to-4:30, a pie social at Gethsemane Lutheran Church after the parade, and the Dassel Ambassador Coronation at 6 p.m. at the Ball Field. He says there’s a community worship service Sunday at 10:30 at the Covenant Church, water ball fight at the Fire Hall at 3 p.m., brat feed at Spring Lake Park from 6-to-9:30 p.m., and fireworks at dusk Sunday from Spring Lake Park.
Hungerford says there’s a fun run and walk Monday in Dassel at 8:30 a.m., the History Center will be open from 9:30-to-3, and the largest chicken BBQ in the state at the Ball Field from 10:30-to-2:30. He says there will also be concession stands at Saints Field, and there’s a car show at the Covenant Church Monday from 10:30-to-2:30. For more information about this weekend’s big celebration in Dassel, look for the Red Rooster Days Facebook page or go to the Dassel website.
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