The Meeker County Board of Commissioners has approved of amendments which would eliminate term limits for Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Extension Committee and Park Commission members. Commissioners Julie Bredeson and Beth Oberg voted against the elimination of the term limits.
The Commissioners approved of rescinding an emergency interim zoning ordinance that instituted an emergency moratorium on the operation of cannabis businesses, moved to approve of an amendment to the zoning ordinance establishing a cannabis ordinance, and approved of a policy related to adult-use cannabis businesses.
The Board approved of a conditional use permit for Justin Sing of Waconia for a landscaping project at 20055 624th Avenue in Section 12 of Greenleaf Township within the Lake Minnie Belle shore land district; and approved of a conditional use permit for Ice House Solar of Wayzata for a one-megawatt solar project in Section 34 of Dassel Township on land owned by Tom Fisher.
The Meeker County Board received an update on hospital matters from Meeker Memorial CEO Mary Ellen Wells. She says the orthopedic department is doing well with the partnership between St. Cloud Orthopedics and 200 people attended an open house which was held recently. The new Meeker Memorial CFO Tyler Ulseth reported a year-to-date operating income as of the end of September of $2.6-million. Meeker McLeod Sibley Community Health Services Administrator Kiza Olson also gave the Meeker County Commissioners an update on her role and what Community Health Services does for the community.