Proposed law would help train cosmetologists to address domestic violence
Minnesota’s U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar is promoting bipartisan legislation that would provide federal funding for domestic violence awareness training for cosmetologists and beauty professionals.
Minnesota saw a record number of domestic violence homicides in 2023 and nearly 53,000 survivors received domestic violence services the same year, according to the most recent available data from Violence Free Minnesota.
Jake De Vera is associate director of Women’s Advocates, an organization that in 1974 founded the nation’s first domestic violence shelter in St. Paul. He joins MPR News host Nina Moini to talk about the legislation.
If you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation with a partner, you can call Minnesota Day One’s 24-hour statewide domestic and sexual violence hotline at (866) 223-1111 or text (612) 399-9995.
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