City Council Sets a Public Hearing for Annexation of Lots

The Litchfield City Council has set a public hearing for its August 5th meeting to consider the annexation of lots on West Ripley Street. The lots were purchased by Litchfield Building Center last year.
Litchfield Mayor Ron Dingmann says the first reading of the annexation ordinance will be held at the August 5th meeting. He says the Litchfield Area Community Foundation acquired a popcorn stand from the Granite Falls Kiwanis Club and the Council gave them permission to set it up in Central Park at the corner of 3rd Street and Sibley Avenue to raise additional funds for the LACF, and other non-profit groups who operate it will be able to raise funds as well.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council approved the first two bids for the Litchfield Area Recreation Center including the shell of the building – from Nor-Son Construction of $2,152,000, and for concrete from Ebert, Inc. for $793,300. He says both bids came in under budget and ground is expected to be broken this fall with completion of the project in the fall of 2025.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council had more discussion on Monday evening about the wastewater issue and city officials are working on getting an extension for the July 22nd compliance deadline with MPCA. He says a productive meeting was held on July 8th between state, city and First District representatives.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council also talked about the safety issues related to scooters that have been buzzing around town – mainly in the Lake Ripley and downtown areas and the matter will be referred to the police department for solutions. He says the Council preceded Monday’s meeting with a work session to further discuss the organizational review.