Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach Traveling Her District

District 7 U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach is back in Washington, D.C. after spending a few days back in her district during the July 4th break. The Paynesville Republican spent some time assessing the damage done – especially to crops – due to the excessive rains.
Fischbach says a disaster declaration has been made and hopefully the FEMA dollars will get moving quickly. She says the next farm bill has passed out of a House committee and hopefully the Senate will get their version passed and it can get into conference committee and back to the House floor for passage; and her portion of it will help to get more capital into rural areas.
Fischbach says she was saddened about the closing of the nursing home in Arlington as people who need those services will be forced to move elsewhere – away from their home towns and families, but she was thrilled with the opening of the new veteran’s home in Montevideo. She says the Ways and Means Committee is working on increases in wages for military personnel.
Fischbach says she is running for reelection, and one of her TV commercials shows her walking along the U.S.-Mexico border. She says House Republicans passed a bill a month ago to help make the borders more secure by providing the resources needed for the border patrol, which includes the northern border as some people are finding easy passage through Canada.
Fischbach says she was concerned by President Biden’s performance during the recent debate with former President Donald Trump, and his ability to lead for another 4 years if he’s reelected due to his physical condition. She says people are welcome to contact her with any concerns by calling the Willmar office or at