Ecumen of Litchfield Upcoming Events

Ecumen of Litchfield has several events coming up over the next few weeks. November is Hospice month which usually creates some special observances.
Brittany Schutz says a grief support group has been meeting this fall and the next meeting is scheduled for November 6th in the Ecumen Chapel from 1:30-to-2:30 p.m.; and they are planning a remembrance program together with Johnson-Hagglund Funeral & Cremation Service on November 21st at 5 p.m. She says Ecumen will participate in the Community Trunk or Treat event in Litchfield on October 27th from 3-to-5 p.m., and there will be trick-or-treating in the Ecumen Chapel on October 31st from 3:30-to-4:30.
Schutz says if anyone would like to attend the remembrance service or if you have questions about Ecumen of Litchfield Home Care or Hospice, call 693-7367.
Hope Hagert says Ecumen has some exciting news about the Gloria Dei apartments. She says if you move in before November 30th, you can receive half off of your rent for the rest of this year.
Hagert says they have both market rate and income-based apartments available. She says you may call her for more information about Gloria Dei at 320-373-6614. Nicole Larson says Emmaus Place and Bethany Memory Care are both full right now. She says you may call her and schedule a tour of the facilities and get on a waiting list.
Larson says she can be reached at 320-373-6370.