Family Services Center Being Named Meeker County Government Center
For the past year, Meeker County has been remodeling the Family Services Center, Courthouse and Law Enforcement Center with the goal of enhancing safety and security for staff and the public, improving efficiency of working spaces, and enhancing the customer service experience. As part of the project, the Family Services Center is being rebranded as the Meeker County Government Center.
The building is being rebranded to reflect the change in the makeup of services that are being provided within the building. Earlier this year, the County Board Room, Treasurer’s Office, County Administrator’s Office, and Human Resources moved into the building from the Courthouse. During the week of December 16th, the Land Use (Planning & Zoning, County Assessor) and Property Records, Taxation and Elections (Auditor and Recorder) departments will move to the annex on the east side of the building (the old cafeteria).
New signage is being installed on the building to reflect the name change. Off-street parking, including accessible stalls, for visitors to the building is available at the main entrance on Holcombe Avenue and at the entrance to the annex on Armstrong Avenue. Major construction at the Government Center are now complete. Work continues to progress at the Courthouse and Law Enforcement Center, with construction expected to be completed in the summer of 2025.