LHS Drama Department Presents “Footloose”
The Litchfield High School Drama Department presents “Footloose” October 31st, and November 1st and 2nd at 7 p.m. and on November 3rd at 2 p.m. at the Bernie Aaker Auditorium. Tickets are on sale at the Litchfield High School office, online, and will be sold at the door.
William Pennertz says it’s a musical, so people may recognize some of the songs from the Kevin Bacon movie in the 1980s. He says he’s in the lead role of Ren McCormick.
Pennertz says even though dancing is illegal in the small town where “Footloose” takes place, there is a lot of choreography in the production. He says he’s been in every fall musical since he’s been in high school and is a long-time participant in Litchfield Community Theatre productions.
Zariah Haynie says she’s also been in all of the Litchfield High School fall musicals since she’s been in high school. She says her character, Ariel Moore, is the daughter of the town’s preacher.
There are about two dozen cast members in “Footloose” along with several crew members.