Lions Club Pancake/French Toast Breakfast

The Litchfield Lions Club has a Pancake/French Toast Breakfast on Sunday at the Litchfield Eagles Club from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for students, and free for children under 5, with a maximum family charge of $40.
Lions member Hal Wenaas says it’s become a tradition for the Lions to have this breakfast on the third Sunday of October each year. He says the Lions will use the proceeds for eyeglasses for students and also for the Breakfast of Champions program at the school.
Wenaas says the Lions International recently gave $2.5-million for hurricane relief and the Litchfield Club sent a check for $500. He says he would like to thank Thrivent Action Teams, Forsman Farms for the eggs, Family Fare for the groceries, the Eagles Club, and Janaye at the Chamber for putting up posters – all of which will help to make this Sunday’s breakfast possible. The Litchfield Lions Club meets twice a month at Prospects and new members are welcome.