Litchfield Area Community Foundation Accepting Grant Applications

The Litchfield Area Community Foundation has given out approximately $110,000 in grants to 78 non-profit organizations over the years. Non-profit groups are encouraged to apply for grants for upcoming projects.
LACF board member Missy Brock says non-profit groups need to be 501c3 organizations, local units of government or have a fiscal sponsor, but not a religious or political organization. She says the grant amounts are usually between $500 and $2,000 and they are now accepting grant applications throughout the year.
Brock says applications can be found on LACF website, or by emailing or by writing to Post Office Box 42 in Litchfield. Board member Tom Smith says they have a fundraising campaign each fall to gather money that they can award to organizations who apply for grants. He says they also use earnings from their endowment fund, and they are going to raise additional funds with a popcorn stand that will be in Central Park in Litchfield this summer.
Smith says the popcorn stand was a gift from the Granite Falls Kiwanis Club as they outgrew it and built a new one for their community. He says local non-profit groups will be able to work at the popcorn stand and raise additional funds for their organizations.