Litchfield Area Community Foundation Grant Cycle

The Litchfield Area Community Foundation is into another grant cycle. Non-profit organizations have until September 1st to apply for the latest round of grants to be used for various projects.
Missy Brock says the Foundation has two grant cycles each year and any 501c3 groups that have questions may contact any Foundation board member or email She says they have certain stipulations for organizations to qualify for the grants that they award.
Brock says the grant amounts usually range between $500 and $2,000. She says if anyone is willing to donate to the Foundation, they may go to for more details.
Tom Smith says when they are looking through the applications, they look at how each organization’s proposed project will affect the community. He says some past projects that received grants include a lead paint removal project at the Little Red Schoolhouse, the ProWorks thrift store project, the Rotary Club’s Splash Pad campaign, and a photo restoration project at the Meeker County Museum.
Smith says the Foundation recently received a popcorn stand from Granite Falls that they will be setting up at the corner of 3rd Street and Sibley Avenue in Litchfield’s Central Park which will help them raise additional funds.
Smith says other non-profit organizations will be able to work at the popcorn stand to help raise funds for their groups. He says if anyone has questions about the Litchfield Area Community Foundation, they may call the Chamber office at 693-8184.