Litchfield City Council Approves the Midtown Lofts Housing Project

The Litchfield City Council covered several items of business on Monday evening. The meeting began with a Tax Increment Financing public hearing.
Mayor Ron Dingmann says no one from the public spoke during the hearing and the Council approved of the TIF district at 415 South Ramsey Avenue for the 60-unit, $11.9-million Midtown Lofts housing project. He says Hannah Rybek reviewed the 11 conditions for the planned unit development from the Planning Commission and the Council approved the PUD.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council approved of revised by-laws for the Fire Relief Assn. and approved of switching their retirement from the Minnesota State Board of Investment to the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Dept. He says the Council also approved of the Litchfield Area Recreation Center joint agreement with the Litchfield School District.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council had a lengthy discussion about the levy increase for 2025 which will be discussed further next month as the preliminary levy and budget is presented. He says the amount they choose in September can always be lowered when the final levy is set in December.