Litchfield City Council Discusses Preliminary Levy

The Litchfield City Council had a lengthy discussion Tuesday evening regarding the preliminary levy. Council members were considering three different proposals for increases.
Mayor Ron Dingmann says they were looking at either a 15%, 12% or 9.8% increase and they ended up going with the 12% increase which set the preliminary levy at $3,902,008. He says the preliminary general budget was set at $7.2-million and the debt service budget at about $905,000. The levy hearing will be on December 2nd and the amount can be lowered at that time, but not raised.
Mayor Dingmann says the Council approved of bid package #2 on Tuesday evening for the Litchfield Area Recreation Center for about $3.7-million. He says bid package #2 includes several general construction items. .
Mayor Dingmann says construction on the LARC could begin later this month. He says the Council decided to conduct a performance evaluation for the City Administrator in August each year, but will do it this year on September 16th, and the City is accepting applications for Liquor Store manager as the current manager will retire by year’s end.