Litchfield City Council Meeting

The Litchfield City Council held a public hearing last night regarding the annexation of city-owned property in Litchfield Township. Following the hearing, the Council approved of the first reading of an ordinance to annex the property.
The Council heard a presentation by members of the Light Up Litchfield Committee which is looking for a donation from the City to keep going with its holiday light project in Central Park. After a lengthy discussion, the Council agreed to authorize a project for lighting the fountain and the bicycle-shaped bike racks in Central Park.
The Council approved of a couple of items from the Heritage Preservation Commission including a certificate of appropriateness application for the Meeker Area Food Shelf at 120 North Sibley Avenue for a new sign, and a certificate of appropriateness for Air Pro for a new door and windows and signage at 229 North Sibley Avenue.
The Council received an update on the Litchfield Area Recreation Center project from Collin Rehbein of ICS and approved of an asbestos removal project at the Civic Arena where the facility is being annexed; and approved of allowing the City Administrator to approve of change orders for the project under $50,000 and for the Committee of between $50,000 and $100,000, but anything larger would need to be brought to the Council for approval and any change orders would need to be reported to the Council.
Paul Saffert from Bolton & Menk spoke to the Litchfield City Council last night about the needed improvements at the wastewater treatment plant which will cost just shy of $100-million and will include participation from First District Association. The Council accepted a plan presented by Saffert and the design phase will begin next, and the pursuit of funding options.
Also last night, the Litchfield City Council approved of a quote for repairs that will be done to the Litchfield Public Library building; and approved of bids for electric meters and water meters.