Litchfield City Council Meeting

The Litchfield City Council talked about a possible future cannabis ordinance last night. A work session will be held after the next meeting to discuss the issue.
City Engineer Chuck DeWolf gave the Council an update last night on the progress of the remodeling project at the Litchfield Public Library. He says the stucco work is getting done rapidly and should be done by next week and roofing work will also be taking place. DeWolf says some rotten material was discovered during the stucco project which will add to the cost.
A lengthy discussion took place last night on the topic of professional services, but no action was taken on that matter. The meeting was closed for the city administrator performance evaluation.
At the start of the meeting, Mayor Ron Dingmann paid tribute to former long-time city attorney Mark Wood who passed away a couple weeks ago. He says he appreciated Wood’s knowledge of city government and his passion to serve. Dingmann says Wood was on many boards that helped the community move forward. He says Wood helped people to feel valued and respected.