Litchfield City Council Meeting
The Litchfield City Council has approved of an amendment agreement for the wastewater discharge permit. City Administrator Dave Czoik says the wastewater project is headed in a good direction.
Czoik says major improvements to the wastewater plant – up to $50-million – are needed in the future, with the City and First District Association partnering on the project. He says Paul Saffert from Bolton & Menk will attend the next Council meeting with more details.
The Council approved of a performance evaluation summary last night for Administrator Czoik. Mayor Ron Dingmann says Czoik was ranked in three areas – communication, administration and leadership and received an average score of 3.73 on a 1-to-5 scale with the number-5 being outstanding.
The Council approved of a certificate of appropriateness application for Theresa Gubrud for improvements to the building at 18 East 2nd Street. The Council also approved of extending the grant deadline for this property to April as properties in the historic downtown district can apply for $8,000 matching grants through this December.
The Litchfield City Council approved of having the administration seek quotes from Dan Felt for lighting one or two trees in Litchfield’s Central Park this upcoming holiday season. Councilman Eric Mathwig also brought up concerns about the placing of political signs and passed out information about where signs can be legally placed.