Litchfield City Council Meeting

The Litchfield City Council approved of some future street improvement projects last night. Resolutions were approved for the preparation of documents for Johnson Drive and for Swift Avenue.
City Engineer Chuck DeWolf says the City received a $1.5-million grant for continuing Johnson Drive to 260th Street to the west and north of Walmart and that project is slated for 2025-26. He says the improvement project for Swift Avenue will be from Ripley Street to 6th Street in 2026. DeWolf also asked the Council to approve of participating in an intersection control evaluation for the Highway 12/34 intersection for which Meeker County is taking the lead.
The Litchfield City Council authorized the preparation of documents and the advertising for bids for a project to replace the Civic Arena floor. DeWolf says the floor is 50-years old and the estimated project cost is $1.75-million. The Council also approved of a project to fix the roof at an airport hangar for $44,880.
The Council approved of deferring registration and enforcement of a cannabis ordinance to Meeker County. City Attorney Emily Wood says the County’s version of the ordinance is still in draft form, and the City would still need to have a public hearing on the ordinance. The Council also approved of a land use map for viable cannabis sale locations within the city limits.
Also last night, the Litchfield City Council approved of three items from the Heritage Preservation Commission including a certificate of appropriateness for Kim Olson at 309 North Sibley Avenue for a temporary lean-to which will help halt water intrusion on the back wall of the second floor; a certificated of appropriateness for Noah Barka at 202 North Sibley Avenue; and a certificate of appropriateness for Jesse Narr at 229 North Sibley Avenue.