Litchfield City Council Meeting

The Litchfield City Council held a public hearing last night regarding the tax increment financing for the 60-unit, $11.9-million dollar Midtown Lofts housing complex at 415 South Ramsey Avenue. Jason Aarsvold from Ehlers spoke about the TIF, and the Council approved of a resolution for the TIF following the hearing.
The Council also approved of a resolution for the Midtown Lofts planned unit development; and approved of a variance request by Eric Janey for a shed at Sunrise Apartements at 802 East 2nd Street.
The Council discussed a request for a skate park to be located at North Park. Scott Rech spoke to the Council about efforts that have been made to raise funds. The Council encouraged Rech’s group to continue fundraising while the Council looks at similar parks in other communities.
The Council approved of changes to fire relief by-laws which would change how retirement dollars are invested. The Council approved of the Litchfield Area Recreation Center joint agreement with the School District – part of which explains how the school will be charged for its use of the facility. The Civic Arena license agreement was also approved.