Litchfield City Council Schedules Future Work Sessions

The Litchfield City Council has scheduled some future work sessions prior to the regular meetings. The Council will discuss items in its capital improvement plan prior to the October 21st meeting; the budget prior to the November 4th meeting; and staff report prior to the November 18th meeting.
Council Member-at-Large Malinda Larson says the staff report has to do with requests that come in to the City and a form that would be filled out so that Council members are more up-to-speed on what’s being requested. She says the Council had a work session Monday evening after the regular meeting to discuss zoning related to the sale of marijuana, and mailbox maintenance as the City wants to remind residents to make sure their mailboxes are secure prior to snow removal this winter.
Larson says Council Member Eric Mathwig brought up the issue of the legal placement of political signs during Monday’s Litchfield City Council meeting, and reminded people that the signs cannot be placed in the right-of-way of roadways. She says the Council also approved of a pretreatment document for the wastewater treatment plant project which will keep it moving forward – and many more details will be presented on the wastewater project at the October 21st meeting.