Litchfield Kiwanis Club Open House

The Litchfield Kiwanis Club had originally planned to have an open house this week, but due to the busyness of the season, it has been moved to February. The event will be held in the Captain’s Club in downtown Litchfield on February 7th from 4-to-6 p.m.
Kiwanis member Ian McGuire says they’ve been working with the Lake Ripley Elementary Special Education coordinator to work on a project installing communication boards in the local playgrounds.
McGuire says there will be information about the communication boards at the February 7th event and they will be raising money to pay for them. He says the Kiwanis Club likes to help children, and they helped with the LAMP Turkey Bingo event last month. Long-time Kiwanis member Leland Fredman says they are also working on a project at Litchfield Middle School called “Who Gets the Job which will help teach students about writing resumes, interviewing and other valuable skills.”
Fredman says the Litchfield Kiwanis Club meets on Thursdays at noon at the Captain’s Club in downtown Litchfield for lunch and a speaker, and new members are welcome to join.