Litchfield Rotary Club Flower Fundraiser

The Litchfield Rotary Club is in the midst of its annual rose and fall bouquet flower sale. The deadline to place orders is October 15th and you can contact any Litchfield Rotary Club member.
Steve Kess says it’s just $25 per dozen roses or for a fall bouquet. He says they use the proceeds for all kinds of projects and they’ve done some big community projects over the years including the development of Prairie Park and the Splash Pad at Memorial Park, installation of AEDs at various locations in Litchfield, a helicopter pad at Meeker Memorial Hospital and more.
Kess says the Rotary Club has built nearly 300 beds for children around Meeker County who did not have beds, and they’ve adopted a section of Highway 12 west of Litchfield. He says they also help with overseas projects such as nearly eradicating polio.
Tim Swenson says the Rotary Club has also sent money to Africa to help with well-digging projects. He says you may consider buying more than one bouquet.
Swenson says you can order red roses or an assorted color bouquet, and the fall bouquet is also a popular option. He says the flowers may be ordered from any Litchfield Rotary Club member by October 15th.