Litchfield School Board Meeting
The Litchfield School Board heard a presentation last night from Principal Chris Olson about the Lake Ripley Elementary special education programs. The workload for special education teachers continues to grow based on the increased number of students with special needs.
Olson says they continue to do their best to address paraprofessional shortages each day. He says the students have shown growth in tolerance to changes in their routine with the implementation of the Students with Unique Needs room even though the space is very small. Olson says an additional special education teacher is needed, and they will continue to seek construction of a more adequate classroom for these students. The School Board approved of an additional full-time special education teacher position for Lake Ripley Elementary last night.
The Litchfield School Board heard the annual audit report last night from Justin McGraw of Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing. He says no compliance issues were noted, and the Board accepted his report.
The Board approved of a resolution canvassing the returns from last week’s election in which Alex Carlson, Stephanie Danielson and Tim Oster were elected. The Litchfield School Board also approved of a couple of resolutions for applications to the Minnesota State High School League for scholarship-type opportunities to cover the activity fees for students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to participate in sports or arts activities.