Litchfield School Board Meeting
The Litchfield School Board had a lengthy meeting last night. Superintendent Beckie Simenson presented a year-in-review report which also included a “looking ahead” segment.
Simenson spoke about staff members who have reached various years-of-service, the new math curriculum, the therapy dogs at the elementary school, the final year of the 2019 bond project, the referendum in May, iPad purchase, eLearning days, ALICE training and more. In the “looking ahead” part of Simenson’s presentation, there was a great deal of discussion about lock-down drills and the fact that new laws will require 5 lock-down drills to be conducted each year.
The Board had some discussion about alternative funding options for School District deferred maintenance projects. Matthew Hammer from Ehlers was at the meeting to explain how funds could be gathered for the District to fix the parking lot on the south side of the high school and to relocate the tennis courts since those projects would have been part of the failed referendum.
The Litchfield School Board approved of having one meeting in July – on the 24th; approved of a Juneteenth paid holiday; approved of a resolution for 2023-24 membership in the Minnesota State High School League; approved of insurance renewals; approved of reselling the old student devices to Total Technology; approved of 2023-24 membership in the Minnesota School Board Association; and approved of transportation contract addendums for 2023-to-2025 with Hicks Bus.