Meeker Area Ministries Continuing its Mission of Finding Housing for the Local Homeless

Meeker Area Ministries is continuing its mission of finding housing for the local homeless population. The organization is hoping to find more transitional housing.
Rochelle Brummond says that was one of the goals that the Board came up with for this year during its annual meeting in June. She says they walk along side their clients and help to build their confidence.
Brummond says it’s especially important for children to have a stable place to live, and lately, they’ve been seeing more and more elderly people who are homeless as they can’t afford their rent. She says there are programs available to help them and she can be reached for more information at 693-7911 or at her office in the back of the Threads of Hope store in Litchfield.
MAM board member Julie Pennertz says people may be homeless for a variety of reasons such as fleeing domestic abuse or because of a mental illness. She says they work to get people into stable housing and their success rate is 69%.
Pennertz says they appreciate the donations they receive from businesses, organizations and individuals and checks may be sent to Post Office Box 192 in Litchfield. She says they will have their annual fundraising event on December 1st at 2 p.m. in the Litchfield Opera House.