Meeker Coop Receives Border-to-Border Grant Funds

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Commissioner Matt Varilek has announced the state’s 10th round of the Office of Broadband Development Border-to-Border grants. The latest announcement was held at a Meeker Cooperative & Vibrant Broadband construction project site in French Lake Township funded by a previous Border-to-Border grant.
The event last week was also attended by DEED Office of Broadband Development Executive Director Bree Maki and Meeker Cooperative CEO and General Manager Luke Johnson. Several state and local government representatives and board members from Meeker Cooperative were also there.
Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association received $4-million in grant funding for several township-level projects, including those in Gennessee and Kandiyohi Townships in Kandiyohi County, Paynesville Township in Stearns County, and Cokato Township in Wright County totaling over 170-miles of new fiber. These projects will improve broadband speeds for over 400 locations, allowing residents to access better e-learning, telemedicine, digital services, and economic development expansion for rural businesses.
Luke Johnson says broadband access is more than an internet connection – it’s a lifeline for rural communities. He says the border-to-border grant funds are critical to bridging the gap where costs to build infrastructure in rural areas are simply too high. Johnson says this funding will allow Meeker Cooperative & Vibrant Broadband to extend affordable, reliable broadband services to their rural areas, facilitating essential connectivity for rural residents, businesses and farms.