Meeker County Board Meeting

The Meeker County Board of Commissioners has approved of a consultant agreement with Bolton & Menk to complete the intersection control evaluation at the intersection of Highway 12 and County-State-Aid-Highway 34 on the east side of Litchfield. The intersection has been a concern due to a history of crashes and traffic delays.
The total estimated cost to update the intersection control evaluation is $38,660. MnDOT has agreed to pay for $19,330 of the cost. The remaining costs associated with the process will be split 60% for Meeker County or $11,598 and 40% – or $7,732 – for the City of Litchfield.
The Board heard an annual report from Treasurer Sharon Euerle who presented details on the duties performed in her office related to receipts, payables, payroll, investments, property taxes and vital statistics.
The Commissioners approved of a conditional use permit for a landscaping project for Craig Mackedanz at 22514 CSAH 14 of Darwin in Section 35 of Dassel Township within the Lake Washington Shoreland District; and approved of the final plat application for Wendy Johnson of Dassel for Wendall Junction in Section 28 of Dassel Township.
The County Board has approved of a resolution reappointing Melissa Voigt as County Assessor; and also – approved of appointing Lorlane Schmeling to the Economic Development Authority Board.