Meeker County Board Meeting

The Meeker County Board of Commissioners has moved to approve of a resolution authorizing MnDOT’s Work Order 1 of the Master Partnership Agreement for the intersection of County-State-Aid-Highway 34 & U.S.Highway 12. The intersection on the east side of Litchfield has been of local concern due to crash history, traffic delays and general safety deficiencies.
Recently, an application to obtain external funding to improve the intersection was applied for. Feedback from the competitive scoring process from this application indicated that the project needed to be further developed to improve the opportunity to be selected for funding. The cost for updating the intersection control evaluation is $38,660 and Mn/DOT has agreed to fund 50% with Meeker County and the City of Litchfield splitting the other $19,330.
Public Works Director Phil Schmalz says an intersection control evaluation for the intersection was initiated in 2017, but never completed. He says the County will cover 60% of the share for finishing the study with Litchfield contributing 40%.
The Board moved to adjust the mixed solid waste tip fees to $86.50 per ton and increase the demolition tip fees to $48.00 per ton for in-county and to $79.00 per ton for out-of-county. The Commissioners also approved of a 1-year extension of a conditional use permit for the Darwin Winter Garden solar farm in Section 34 of Dassel Township; and appointed Amie Bergquist to the Central Minnesota Emergency Services Board Next Generation 911 Committee.