New Watercade Royalty

A New Miss Litchfield was crowned at the conclusion of the 68th annual Watercade celebration. Adeline “Addie” Lundin, daughter of Daryl & Erin Lundin is the new queen. She is sponsored by Jomas Hill Vineyard & Winery.
The new princesses are Maya Wuotila, daughter of Duane & Wendy Wuotila – sponsored by Wuotila Lawn Care; and Kate Brekke, daughter of Jamie & Teresa Brekke – sponsored by Danner, Brekke & Everts Insurance and the Medicare Duo. Addie Lundin was also recognized for selling the most Watercade buttons.
Ella Mahoney, daughter of Mark & Anne Mahoney – sponsored by Kinsella Chiropractic – received the Miss Congeniality Award; and Hailey Vines, daughter of John & Joy Vines – sponsored by Towmaster – received the Formal Gown Award. Also over the weekend – Matylda Niedzielski and Hadley Beam were crowned as Junior Ambassadors.
Also during Sunday’s coronation, 2022-23 Miss Litchfield Raina Kaping was invited to compete in the Queen of the Lakes Pageant by Aquatennial officials later this month in Minneapolis; Chris Guggemos was presented with the Honorary Aquatennial Commodore award; Duane Hickler was recognized as Litchfield’s Watercade Grand Marshal, out-going royalty Ayda Granlund, Abby Stoffer and Kylie Guggemos were presented with scholarships and the Medallion Hunt winners were recognized – Kyle Kalkbrenner who found the first medallion under the walking bridge at the Lake Ripley Campground, and Michael Buller who found the second medallion by City Hall. The winning Watercade button numbers were 679, 524 and 333.