New Website Launched to Confidentially Report Suspected Fraud in MN State Government

A new website is now available for whistleblowers to confidentially report suspected fraud, waste and abuse within Minnesota’s state government. State Representative Scott Van Binsbergen of Montevideo says the launch of is just one way House Republicans are working to root out tax dollar improprieties running rampant in Minnesota programs, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
Van Binsbergen says one of the top priorities this session is cracking down on the fraud, waste and abuse that has seeped into our state programs, and this website brings government back to the people, empowering them to serve the watchdog role. He says if they see something, they now have a place to register their concerns for further investigation.
Van Binsbergen says the new website will act as a central platform for Minnesotans to report concerns about suspected or observed improprieties in state program services. Submitted information will be initially assessed and directed to the appropriate authorities for further investigation and follow-up. The information, including the identities of whistleblowers, is secure and protected, similar to a secure-payment processing.
Van Binsbergen says Minnesota has faced widespread fraud issues in several state-run programs, with hundreds of millions of dollars misused or stolen through fraudulent claims and mismanagement. He says scandals related to Feeding Our Future, childcare assistance, medical aid, and welfare programs all continue to make headlines.
Van Binsbergen says the common thread is a need for stronger safeguards, transparency, and accountability in managing taxpayer-funded programs. He says Minnesotans work hard for their money and our government owes it to them to be good stewards of the tax dollars that are collected, and citizen participation is the key to ensuring accountability and this website is a good step forward in that regard. He says he hopes people will take advantage of this new tool if they see tax-dollar misuse or encounter a scenario where they suspect it is happening.