Packing Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

Crystal Hills Assembly of God Church near Paynesville will be packing shoeboxes again this month for Operation Christmas Child. Anyone is welcome to help pack the boxes on October 23rd – beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Pastor Dan Courtney says the evening will begin with pizza and a message from a missionary, and then they are hoping to pack 300 boxes with items that will go to children all over the world. He says this mission was started by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse organization.
Pastor Courtney says they found out that their boxes last year went to Chile and many of the children who receive these boxes have never had a toothbrush, pencil, toy or other item that they find in their box at Christmas time. He says they also collect some money which helps with shipping costs and for Gospel materials that are included in each box.
Pastor Dan says they have drop off sites around Paynesville in case anyone wants to drop off items to be packed in the boxes or cash including: Fleet Supply, Tractor Supply, Elizabeth Rose Salon, Firehouse Coffee, the pharmacy, Hilltop and Crystal Hills Church. He says you can find more information about Operation Christmas Child at or Crystal Hills is near the intersection of Highways 55 and 4 – about 5-miles east of Paynesville.