“The 1940s Christmas Radio Show” will be presented on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Litchfield Opera House. Tim Nelson is directing the musical play.
Nelson says there’s a cast of 14 – with half of the actors coming from his playhouse in California and the other half from Litchfield Community Theatre. He says it’s a feel-good, family Christmas show with 1940s music.
Nelson says he’s currently doing “A Christmas Carol” at the Rose Center Theater in Westminster, California on the weekends which is why the show in Litchfield was scheduled for a Tuesday evening. He says tickets are $10 which includes dessert and you can get them in advance by calling Jane Lind at 593-7830). You can also purchase them at the door.
The Kingery Family will perform at the Litchfield Christian Church on Thursday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. The concert is sponsored by Paul & Pam White and a freewill offering will be taken for the Meeker Area Food Shelf.
Paul White says the concert has become a tradition in recent years – being held the Thursday before Christmas. He says the music of the Kingery Family should help people get in the Christmas spirit.
White says it’s a free concert, but freewill donations will be collected for the Meeker Area Food Shelf. He says the Food Shelf is able to buy about 4 times the amount of food through their distributors with the money they receive.
Cornerstone Church in Litchfield is starting a new ministry called Feeding Meeker in which anyone in need of a meal is welcome to the church this Wednesday from 5-to-7 p.m. Donations toward the program are also welcome.
Cornerstone Worship Director Colin Jensen says they want people to feel a sense of community, and the first 100 individuals or families will also receive a box of supplies to take home. He says they are also planning to have Feeding Meeker on February 12th and April 23rd.
Jensen says if anyone is willing to help by donating their time or some supplies toward Feeding Meeker, they may call Cornerstone Church at 593-7971. For more details about the program or about Cornerstone, go to cornerstonechurchmn.org.
Ecumen of Litchfield is continuing its mission of serving people within a 50-mile radius of Litchfield with the Home Care and Hospice programs. Hospice had its Light of Love campaign this holiday season which helps to raise some funds for the program as people sponsor a light on a tree which is on display in Darwin.
Brittany Schutz says there was a tree-lighting ceremony in Darwin a couple of weeks ago and it’s just a good time for people who are grieving to see that they are not alone, and they’re hoping to get the Light of Love trees back in other area communities in the future. She says Ecumen’s Home Care program offers all kinds of services to keep seniors living safely in their homes.
Schutz says they’ve held a grief and the holidays program in Litchfield, but another is coming up on December 23rd in Hutchinson. For more details about that or about Hospice and Home Care, call 693-7367.
Ecumen of Litchfield Senior Housing Consultant Nicole Larson says the assisted living is nearly full, and she can put names on a waiting list, but there are openings at Gloria Dei which is independent senior living and for more information, she can be reached at 320-373-6370. She says they’ve had groups caroling throughout their hallways this month and they have other programs to try to keep the mood merry for their residents.
Larson says the staff at Ecumen will be putting on a skit for residents, the students at St. Philip’s School will be doing their Christmas concert for the residents, and the Male Chorus will perform in the Chapel on Dec. 17th at 7 p.m. and the public is welcome to attend.
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