Rotary Club Rose & Fall Bouquet Sale

The Litchfield Rotary Club has started its annual fall bouquet and rose sale. Orders will be taken through mid-October.
Paul White says you can get a dozen roses – either red or a lollipop mixture – or a fall bouquet for just $25. He says they usually sell about 700 of the bouquets each fall and you can order them from any Rotary member.
White says the flowers can be picked up October 31st, and November 1st or 2nd at Davis Auto Body on East Highway 12 in Litchfield. He says you could order them for a spouse, another family member or maybe bring a bouquet to someone in a nursing home. Randy Quitney says there may be someone at your work place who would appreciate receiving flowers from you.
Quitney says the Litchfield Rotary Club uses the proceeds from the sale of the flowers for numerous projects including Beds for Kids which has provided 270 beds for local children who had previously been sleeping on the floor or on a couch. He says they recently raised money for an audio enhancement project at Lake Ripley Elementary School.