“Screenagers – Growing up in the Digital Age”

The film “Screenagers – Growing up in the Digital Age” will be shown in the Litchfield High School Commons on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. It’s free and everyone is welcome – whether or not you have children in the Litchfield School District.
Lake Ripley Elementary social worker Anne Mahoney says the showing of the film is made possible with a grant from Meeker County Health & Human Services. She says she’s seen the film before which was put together by a physician named Delaney Ruston.
Mahoney says the average child spends six and a half hours a day looking at a screen and that does not include their school work or home work. She says it’s addictive as it taps in to a person’s pleasure zone. Mahoney says if you’re not able to make it to the showing of the film, you can find more information at screenagersmovie.com.