Shepherd of Souls Area Faith Community Fall Events

The Shepherd of Souls Area Faith Community has several events coming up in September. The St. Philip’s Catholic Church Bazaar in Litchfield will be on September 8th from 9-to-1, with mass at the church at 8 a.m.
Monica Schreiber says the Bazaar will include a car show, cash raffle, kid’s games, bingo, country store, food stands and more. She says Glen Everhart will be performing.
Schreiber says the St. Philip’s Bazaar is being held a little earlier this year so that people can also attend the Fall Festival at the Church of St. Anthony in Watkins that day if they wish to do so. Brenda Grates says the St. Philip’s Bazaar will also include a bean bag tournament at 10:30 a.m.
Grates says there are tickets at the church office for the cash raffle and church members are also selling them. She says the top prize is $2,000 and the drawing will be held at 12:45. You need not be present to win.
Other events in September include the Church of St. Anthony Fall Festival in Watkins on September 8th from 10-to-5; the St. John’s Catholic Church Fall Festival on September 15th from 11-to-3 at the Education Center between Dassel and Cokato; and the Grilled Smoked Pork Chop Dinner at the Church of Our Lady in Manannah on September 22nd from 4-to-7 p.m.