Wintercade Ice Fishing Contest

The 15th annual Wintercade Ice Fishing Contest is coming up on February 8th from 1-to-3 p.m. on Lake Ripley in Litchfield. Fifteen hundred tickets for the event were sold, and they were sold out by the end of last week.
Heather Lease says Running’s had the last batch of tickets, and if you were still hoping to get a ticket, you could listen to KLFD the week of February 3-to-7 as the Litchfield Downtown Council has a ticket for each of those days that will be given out to a radio listener. She says they are no longer going to have door prize giveaways at the local bars so you will need to be at the lake to win those, but you need not be present to qualify for the grand prize of a Farm Rite Equipment Bobcat UTV or the cash prizes.
Lease says they get help from the Litchfield High School football players and wrestlers who drill 1,000 holes in Lake Ripley for the fishing contest. She says they have a lot of generous donors who make it possible to give away thousands of dollars-worth of door prizes.
Lease says there are still some $20 Wintercade t-shirts available for sale at the American Legion. Nicole Larson says the event is held in front of West Ripley Park, and they are planning to remove the ice heave in that location in time for Wintercade. She says it is a family-friendly event with door prizes for all ages, concessions sold by the Fire Dept., and you’ll need to bring your own bait.
Larson says you can have a fish house outside of the area that they mark off for the contest. Janaye Prieve says the Litchfield Visitors Bureau appreciates all of the people that Wintercade draws to town. She says the Wintercade Committee deserves a huge thank you for all of their work.
Prieve says people can find more information about what’s going on in Litchfield at She says the table tents were recently distributed so people can look at them to see what’s going on around the area, and if anyone has an event to add to future table tents, they may call the Chamber office at 693-8184 with that information.